Wednesday, May 15, 2013

One of the Stone Barrington Series

                               Reckless Abandon by Stuart Woods
                                A Stone Barrington Novel

    I started reading another Stone Barrington series that Stuart Woods writes. This is a good series to read, especially if you like a good detective series. You really don't have to read them in order.  I am about half done with the book. It started out kind of slow, but it's getting better.
      Stone used to be a cop, but then got injured and went into the legal profession as a lawyer. He seems more like a detective than a lawyer.  He drives a very cool Mercedes with "lightly armored" windows. How cool is that!  In Reckless Abandon, Holly comes to town with an agenda. She is a police chief in Florida and she came to New York to capture a fugitive that is in the Mafia and working for the CIA.  The CIA is hiding him in a witness protection program. Stone gets mixed up with the whole affair, because he had met Holly in Florida and she calls him when she comes into town. That is all I'm going to say right now.
       All the books I have read by Stuart Woods are really good. He does not disappoint. I stated earlier that this book started kind of slow, but it is still a good read.


Friday, May 3, 2013

Soooo Excited!!

   I went to the Half Price book store today. I came across a book by Kay Hooper I haven't read yet.  It was called  The First Prophet. So I checked to see how much it was and the only price I found was the original price of the book. It did look brand new, but I assumed it would be half  of the original price. It is called Half Price books. I put it back and decided when I had extra money I would be back to buy it. I have all the other Bishop series books. I couldn't believe I didn't know about this book!  My daughter came around the corner and I asked her if they sold new books here, because that is the only price I saw on the book. Of course, she didn't know. We ended up leaving empty handed. On the way out I was telling her about the book and that I was excited because I found a Bishop book that I hadn't read. I said I didn't know if it was a new book or I overlooked it. She said, "Didn't you look on the inside to see what the copyright date was?" I replied, "No, I was pissed about not finding a price, so I put it back." " I will Google it when I get home." She said, "OK then."

   I just Google Kay Hooper and found the book. I'm so excited, it isn't part of the Bishop/SCU series. She had written a new Bishop Files series and that was the first book of the series. It came out in November of this year. Woot! Woot!
Plus I found out by looking at her website, that there will be a new Bishop/SCU series book called Haven. It comes out in July of this year. Double Woot!Woot!
Now, what needs to happen is my sister needs to buy them both and give them to me after she reads them.