Thursday, June 6, 2013

End one book and begin another

       I finished the Stone Barrington series I was reading. It got better by the end, but it was kind of a boring book. I'm not sure if the reason was because I went from Fifty Shades to a crime book. It could be that it took me longer to finish. I was busy with end of year school activities with the boys.

         I just started a Sandra Brown book. I always like her books. My very first romance novel was Sandra Brown Where's There Smoke. I had to look it up to make sure it was the right title. I guess it's listed as a suspense/ thriller. While on her website looking up the title, I realized I have read quite a few of her books. I was scanning the list and thinking I have read that, I have read that, so on and so on. The book I'm reading now is Smash Cut. It's also a suspense thriller/romance novel. Its a murder mystery book. It does start out with action.

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