Monday, July 29, 2013

The Evil Inside book done

  I am done with The Evil Inside book. I have to say Heather Graham did not disappoint! The ending was climatic, like I hoped it would be. It really  is a great book. I like how she made some of the chapter endings nail-biters.  I didn't want to stop reading, because I wanted to know what happened next. I was kind of bummed about her not writing in a part about the Krewe going to visit Maliki. They talked about meeting him, but it never happened. If you are going to read the book, knowing that piece on info does not take away from the book. It was something I thought of after I was done reading.
        I can not wait to read the other books in The Krewe of Hunters series. Phantom Evil, Heart of Evil, Scared Evil, The Unseen, The Unholy, The Unspoken, The Uninvited, and Let the Dead Sleep (the newest). I am very excited about all of these, because I only thought there was 3 books in The Krewe of Hunters series. I was scoping out her website and came upon the rest of the books. Oh My! I just found three more in the series: The Night Watching, The Night Alive (which comes out this month), and The Night Forever (comes out in Sep.).

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Almost done!

Oh The Evil Inside book is heating up! I am almost to the big climatic (hopefully) ending. I am into the juicy nitty gritty chapters! The two teen boys are running scared after their encounter with Sam, Jackson, and Will. Jenna and Sam have the same ideas about the murders, but they don't know they are on the same page yet.  It's all coming together so good. I love this book.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Ending to ch. 11...dream

      I just ended chap 11 of the Evil Inside book. The crew was out going through the motions of getting the feel of the town, towns people, the key people involved in the murder/mystery. The girls finally talked to the teen boys. After that encounter, the book verifies a twist that I was thinking. Who knows, I'm half way through the book so anything could happen. Angela wants to see inside Lexington House. She want to try to see if she comes up with anything. Jenna also wants to go back in to get a better reading. Then I get to the end of the chapter and Jenna has the eeriest dream about Lexington House. The female ghost is telling her not to go into the house (in her dream) because she will just find lies, that truth lies in the.... I will let the last word  hang, just in case someone is actually reading my nonsense and wants to read this amazing paranormal mystery murder book.
  Can not wait to start chap 12 and see what or who they find going into the creepy Lexington house. Find out what the ever so popular female ghost Jenna keeps seeing is trying to tell her. She's very cryptic.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Jenna Physic abilities....The Evil Inside

   Jenna special ability  is postcognition. Which is exactly like it says, because I Google it and she does explain it in the book. So here is one of the definition on Google:

Postcognition, also called RetrocognitionPast Sight or Retrospect is the psychic ability to visually perceive information about past events after they happen, without any guessing based on deductive reasoning and current knowledge. This ability occurs as a brief flash of the scene, or it may last longer. Sometimes, however, it can even be activated at will within whichever interval the user desires (the last six hours, yesterday) at which time it becomesSelective PostcognitionSelective Retrocognition or Selective Retrospect.

  Not sure why it pasted like that. I am keeping it that way, don't want to mess with it.

      I think it would be kind of neat to see into the past, especially if a grandparent or parent passed away. You could see how they looked, talked, lived. I always wondered about how my grandfather was when he was alive. He passed away when I was 3 or 4. I don't remember him and the memories I thought I had are not right.  Then again, I'm not sure if I would like to wake up to a ghost by my bed, rambling on and on, or just staring. Creepy!

   The book is getting more interesting as it goes. Jenna's FBI crew is in town. The notorious Jackson Crow, known for being a  top notch behavior profiler is there. Will Chan is coming to street perform, so he can scoop out the towns people.  Angela will be helping Jenna, she can see ghosts also, I think. I will have to keep reading. Unofficially they are helping them out. With most of the crew in Salem the book is going to crank up a notch (in my opinion).  The mystery of who went on a killing spree is still up in the air. A couple of  ghosts from the past is helping Jenna crack the case (in a  very ghostly read between the lines way). I just love Heather Graham books. She has two more books in the Evil series, defiantly going to have to pick them up.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Evil Inside by Heather Graham

  I started reading the Evil inside by Heather Graham. Heather Graham is one of my favorite authors. I love the paranormal and books about physic abilities. Kay Hooper is another of my favorites. I like her Bishop trilogies. This book is based in Salem. I would love to visit Salem some time in my life. Halloween is one of our favorite holidays. No my family is not the whole grudge type of people or anything like that. We just enjoy decorating and having fun. Halloween is the perfect time for all of it.  Back to the book, this book is about a lawyer and a special agent from the special abilities FBI unit and they are trying to find the innocence of a young man. The town thinks he killed his family, neighbor, and substitute teacher, just because he is a little strange. Jenna the FBI agent can see into the past. The lawyer is a big shot lawyer from Boston, but he grew up in Salem. Jenna also grew up in Salem.  I like how it is Haunted Happenings in Salem and the book talks about the history of Salem. I haven't gotten to far into the book, but I do have a couple of ideas of who might of murdered those people. I'm pretty sure Jenna and Sam probably will hook up. 

Sunday, July 7, 2013


  WooHoo!! I finally finished Smashcut by Sandra Brown. I should of been done with it weeks ago. It was a very good book. The ending turned out a little different than I thought it would, but no surprise who murdered Paul Wheeler. After about the middle of the book, you know who it is. There is a twist in the book, which I never seen coming. The twist is summed up in one sentence. It is the last sentence of a chapter. I actually had to re read the last couple of sentences to make sure I read it right. It was kind of a "What?" moment. Then you start thinking about everything that was said throughout the book.  It was a good little twist, it made me think. It also reminded me to never assume anything. Thanks, Sandra for that reminder...ha ha.
   Hopefully I can start another book soon. I am trying to catch up on major housework, cleaning out, re-organizing. I did some major yard work today. The yard has been kind of neglected lately. We mow and take care of grandmas yard. So then we get behind on ours. There's not enough hours in a day, especially when both of us works weekends. Eric does a good job of mowing. But then the trimming and clean up usually gets left. The yard looks better than it did. Ran out of weed killer, used a big gallon of it and still need to spray more. Need to spray bug crap around the porch and house. The earwigs are out of control this summer. We figure its because of all the rain. Last year, we hardly saw any at all. Probably because of the drought. I don't know, but they are a nuisance and nasty little things. Makes me shiver just talking about them.  So, this week was a lot of  finally's! Hopefully next week will be as productive.