Sunday, July 7, 2013


  WooHoo!! I finally finished Smashcut by Sandra Brown. I should of been done with it weeks ago. It was a very good book. The ending turned out a little different than I thought it would, but no surprise who murdered Paul Wheeler. After about the middle of the book, you know who it is. There is a twist in the book, which I never seen coming. The twist is summed up in one sentence. It is the last sentence of a chapter. I actually had to re read the last couple of sentences to make sure I read it right. It was kind of a "What?" moment. Then you start thinking about everything that was said throughout the book.  It was a good little twist, it made me think. It also reminded me to never assume anything. Thanks, Sandra for that reminder...ha ha.
   Hopefully I can start another book soon. I am trying to catch up on major housework, cleaning out, re-organizing. I did some major yard work today. The yard has been kind of neglected lately. We mow and take care of grandmas yard. So then we get behind on ours. There's not enough hours in a day, especially when both of us works weekends. Eric does a good job of mowing. But then the trimming and clean up usually gets left. The yard looks better than it did. Ran out of weed killer, used a big gallon of it and still need to spray more. Need to spray bug crap around the porch and house. The earwigs are out of control this summer. We figure its because of all the rain. Last year, we hardly saw any at all. Probably because of the drought. I don't know, but they are a nuisance and nasty little things. Makes me shiver just talking about them.  So, this week was a lot of  finally's! Hopefully next week will be as productive.

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