Sunday, April 28, 2013

The End!!

  I am done with the Fifty Shades of Grey series. What an interesting, intense, "oh my" book. I really enjoyed all three books. By the last book, it was kind of getting redundant. But, the end of the book picked up and got exciting.  I really like the last part of the book, The Shades of Christian. I thought it was neat where she wrote about Christian perspective when Ana came in to interview him.
    I truly hope they make a movie. Not sure how they will go about it without cutting a lot of the sex scenes. Wonder what it will be rated? Also, they will have to cast a hunk of a man to play Christian. I did research all the post about the movie rumors. I read they were thinking about Jared Padalecki (plays Sam in Supernatural) for Christians part. He is kind of hot. If they were going to pick one of the two actors from Supernatural it should be Jensen Ackles (plays Dean). He would be a perfect fit.   I think Elizabeth Olsen would be perfect for the part. Please, Please do not cast a younger generation actress, like Emma Roberts. She may be of consenting age, but honestly it would be a little awkward to watch.  I hope if they do make the movie it is better than One For The Money. I was so disappointed with that movie. I feel they could of done better. I love the Stephanie Plum series! I told the girls it would of been better as a mini series.
      Anyways, I'm glad I decided to read this series. I enjoyed it. Shh ...don't repeat this, but it kind of sparked our sex life. Not the whips and canes type of thing, but the worshiping the body kind of sex. It kind of made me think about the whole are we in the vanilla sex rut?  Which this is the first I have ever heard about Vanilla sex. I actually Googled it to see if it was an actual phrase. It was! Things that make you go hmm....

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Third Book of Series....still reading!!

I am slowly getting through the third book of the Fifty Shades of Grey series. It a bit redundant. I really enjoy Ana's inner goddess and subconscious.   I still enjoy/laugh at the e-mail banter.

 I googled an Audi A8 and A4, both of them are pretty hot cars. Oh how I wish I was rich. I would buy an Audi! Then again, they are as much as buying a house. I feel a house would be a better investment.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

On To The Next

Done with Book 2 of the Fifty Shades of Grey series. I have to say E L James has put every romantic story  cliche'  in her books so far.  We have the psycho ex! Well this series has 2 ex's, and they are not just everyday ex-girlfriends. One is an ex-submissive and one is an ex-domineer (who taught him everything). Of course they both are still in love with him. We have the Oh-I-can't-live-without-you relationship. The boyfriend goes missing.  The perverted boss. The deep dark past or secret. Then when you think there can't be anything more exciting, here comes the creeper/stalker who wants to get even. Let's not forget the drop dead gorgeous guy, who everyone drools over. The shy girl, who is awkward and really doesn't know how beautiful she really is. Yes, most of this was in the second book. Last but not least, this isn't any old romance novel, its an erotica romance novel! I have learned some very interesting things reading this book. I have taken a couple of days off of reading. I'm hoping to start the third book tomorrow.  

Monday, April 8, 2013

Thermo Nuclear Fifty

     So...I took my book with me to the hospital today. I sat with my grandpa while my grandma went to the dentist. My grandpa was asleep, so I decided to get it out and read for awhile. While I was reading, the cleaning lady came in to touch up his room. I closed my book, so I could pick up the drinks that were on his tray and let her clean it. I put the drinks back down and looked up at her. She had this weird look on her face. I was thinking, what was that about. I go to open my book so I could continue reading. I suddenly realized that she probably saw what I was reading and got a little flustered. After that I made sure I turned the book over so I wouldn't embarrass anyone else. I'm sure she went out of the room and told everyone that I was in their reading Fifty Shades of Grey. Not that I care, but it was pretty funny when I looked up at her and she had the weirdest look on her face. 
  I finally got to the part of the book where Leila comes out of hiding. I thought is was going to be the same ol same of any romantic story, but I was pleasantly surprised when it went into submissive mode. The way that E L James wrote how Ana felt about the intensity between Christian and Leila, I felt so bad for her. I wanted to cry, I could feel her heart break. I honestly thought the story was going to go differently than it did.   After Leila is taken care of, we are privileged to  another surprise. Christian a Submissive! Then another heart stopping admission from Christian. His awful secret comes out and boy is it a doosey! I totally was thinking she (James)  was going to go with the sexual abusive thing. Nope, I would never of thought of something so out there. Which may not be so "out there" for some people, but I was reading it thinking "Oh My". Again, I was feeling a pang of heartbreak for Ana. She did want to know his "dark secret". It is a Thermo Nuclear Fifty Shades of a secret. I don't know maybe other people who read the book guess it right. I don't think I would of never got it write. It all makes sense so far.  I am glad that these last couple chapters have been so exciting, I was kind of getting bored. I have about 7 chapters left. I hope they are as exciting as these last few chapters.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

More Fifty Shades of Darker

  I read a few more chapters and it seems Mr. Fifty Shades is falling more in love with Ana. In the couple of chapters that I have read he is being semi normal (for him) and trying on an honest relationship. Of course he can't quite give up his controlling ways. Like the book says "you have to walk before you run". By the time I am done reading Mr. Fifty shades of messed up is back and in full action. My wondering mind is at ease she goes back to work, but with stipulations. They are still worried about  Leila, but she is no where to be seen. Hopefully we will see some excitement from her by the end of the book.
      Well...well...well the notorious Mrs. Robinson shows up at the condo unannounced.  She is very persistent in wanting to smooth things over with Ana.  I had to stop reading right when she shows up.  I am eager to see what she has to say and why she is so overeager to talk to Ana.

  Some thoughts......

  • Suffocating is not the word I would of used for Christians "loving" ways.
  • Audi's for all the "subs", not shock by that little tidbit of info. 
  • Another first, he takes her to his catamaran for a glorious "unfifties" afternoon. 
  • Can you say nymphs? 

  A running list of things I will never think the same about...

  1. Riding in elevators (with my husband, of course)
  2. Vanilla Ice Cream
  3. Ties
  4. Playing Pool
Kudos to the author....I love this book with its interesting twist on a romance novel. It may not be the best written book, but its pretty intense. Even if your not sure if you want to continue reading, for some reason you can't stop reading.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Fifty Oh Fifty....

    I knew Leila would still be in his apartment. I totally thought if she was going to honestly shoot one of them it would of been during the fireworks.  Sex, sex, a lot Of sex.   Way to go to Ana for telling off mrs. Robinson..go girl! kind of shocks me that he is running away from Leila, I figured he would want to handle and control the situation himself.  Oh how it's getting intense chapter by chapter.
   It is killing me the suspense of what happened to Christian that makes him feel unworthy and so locked up inside. It has to be more than just his abusive past with his birth mother.  The dweeb that I am  wonders  if she will be going back to her job on Monday. Hmmm....curious minds what to know.

Fifty Shades of Messed up.....coming around!

   I read a couple more chapters last night.  Ana is now living with Christian for the time being. Christian is actually admitting to falling for Ana. At least he is trying to have a "normal" (for him) relationship. The boy is fifty shades of messed up, but he's trying for Ana. All I have to say is.....

  1. I like when Ana tells him to settle his twitchy palms. 
  2. Putting balls in your "v" area for a party....I Don't Think So!!
  3. I had to laugh when Ana bid on Christian vacation house and  spent the 24,000 that Christian put in her bank account. 1 pt Ana!
  4. Christian Louboutins!!! (That's all I have to say)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fifty Shades Darker.....Holy Moly

   I am in the middle of Chapter 5 of the second book in the Fifty Shades of Grey series. Of course the hot sultry attraction between Ana and Christian does not disappoint. I was kind of bummed that Ana and Christian was only broke up for only a few chapters, but the author probably didn't want to prolong the intensity of the book. I have a few wondering thoughts between the first book and this book.

  1.   I wonder if Christian is such an insanely overprotective control freak, because he watched his mom get beat and then die. He couldn't protect her or save her. 
  2. Can Christian become any more of a stalker. The author does not disappoint in the shock factor of what he does to control Ana's surroundings.  Her bank account number, really?
  3. Is Ana going to lose all her friends, because Christians so controlling. 
  4. Kinky F@#&kery.....I had to laugh at that saying....It's a good one!!
  5. I love how "Oh your mad that I am a total stalker, control freak", no worries I will just sleep with you and you will forget about it. you are mad at me, I will sleep with you again and you will forget about the whole problem. -- I should try that with my husband when he gets mad at me or if I want him to do something. See if it works in my favor. Probably not, we've been married to long. I could try  for the heck of it. (ha!ha!)
  6. Oh my the hotness in this book!

Spoiler Alert

   Oh my goodness, a twist just got thrown into the story. An psycho ex-sub, I think I'm going to like this part. It gives the story a little excitement, other than hot steamy "you know what".  I'm really excited to see where this part of the story goes. 

   We finally are introduced to Mrs. Robinson. I was kind of wondering what she looked like. I pictured her as a business women in a company. Not a business women/beautician. And the salons are the businesses he owns with her. Hmm, never would of guessed that.

   Lastly,  He is Fifty Shades of messed up! 

*I did Google the term Vanilla Sex and it was an actual term. I guess I'm a little behind with sexual termology.  Speaking of Vanilla, I will never look at Vanilla ice cream the same! 


Fifty Shades of....OH MY!!

    I decided to start a fun blog about the books that I read. I want to say that not all the books will be romance novels.  The book I am reading is the ever popular Fifty Shades of Grey series by E L James. My sister gave me the whole series about 6 mths ago. The girls at work had read it and they said it was good.  I was very hesitate on reading it, I am not into the whole Harlequin Romance books. I decided to see what the hype was about and started reading the first book of the series. So here goes.......

                                       Fifty Shades of Grey

  1.  First of all  this book does not  compare to a Harlequin Romance novels. Then again I have never read one.
  2.  I was hooked in the first few chapters
  3.  Their chemistry is hot, hot, hot!
  4.  Contract?  He will dictate the clothes she wears? The food she eats? Lifestyle?
  5.  Romance novel with a twist of S&M, interesting
  6.  Christian a control freak, that's an understatement.
  7.  The Elevator scene was beyond hot. I will have to rethink riding an elevator with my husband.
  8.  Vanilla sex?  Is this actually a term? I will have to Google it.
  9.  Oh how Christian is such a stalking man! scary or romantic?
  10.  Oh how Ana is so naive.
  11.  Is it an abusive relationship or "unique" relationship
  12.  I love how she calls him Fifty Shades of Grey, or just Fifty Shades.
  13.  He took her home to mom!
  14.  I love how the author includes  Ana's  inner goddess and her subconscious.    
  15. The e-mails are great.
  16.  Oh is not the word for this book.
  17.  "laters baby" is so cute.
  18.  Last but not least, the mysterious Mrs. Robinson. I love the name Ana gave her. Yes, I think she is a child molester. 
  19.  By the middle of the book, I get the whole contract thing. Not that I would want anybody in control of me. But I do get the whole part about the sex thing. 
  20. Good for Ana to never signing the contract!
   Finally at the end, Ana comes to her senses and leaves him. I love how she really has not  submitted all the way to him. But there is two more books to the series, so I know she will go back. Oh, how he is messed up.

      We were talking at work and I came to the conclusion, if the author would of had Christian as a normal good looking guy, with a semi-normal job. He defiantly would of been looked at like a pervert, stalker, nasty guy. In my opinion, since he is a billionaire and  drop dead gorgeous some of his "habits" are overlooked.